click cell to paste contents into second worksheet or word

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Dear all,

I would appreciate any help...

I am working with a master price list in a worksheet from which I woul
like to select items and compile into a customer specific quote in
second worksheet...ideally I'd like to say "tick" a cell adjacent t
the desired items, thus allowing me to review the selected items an
then send all "selected" items over into the second worksheet...I thin
this may be achieved using some sort of conditional formatting - usin
an "if" instuction...but otherwise I'm pretty clueless...a mor
ambitious wish is to send the selected items - cells over into Word bu
I'm gusessing I'd need some VBA code for this...


Simon Bloo

You could try something like this. The in Sheet1, column A is a tick
range and column B has item names. Select area of items (i.e. B1:B20)
and name it as "items" and select area of ticks (A1:A20) and name it as

Now in Sheet2, put in A1 a header "Selected items" and in A2 type
this array formula:


as it is an array formula, you have to enter it by pressing
ctrl+shift+enter instead of just pressing enter. ( { } marks around the
formula indicates that it is entered corretly as an array formula).
Fill this formula down to the cell A20.

Now if in Sheet1 you mark a desired item by putting "x" in the A
column, it should appear also in Sheet2's column A.

Hope this is helpfull.

- Asser