Hi group
I have a form containing controls, and a Process button wich do something.
during the process all the controls are Disabled(Enabled = false), the form
itself is enabled (Enabled= true).
when the process ends, all the controls come back (Enabled = true).
during this process time, if the user clic everywhere nothing append. But
when the UI come back, all the clicks appends, and sometimes my app crash.
so my client is angry (why he clic every where, i ask ....), and my boss
very angry
Why the clics are bufferised ?
is it normal ?
how can i do ?
I have a form containing controls, and a Process button wich do something.
during the process all the controls are Disabled(Enabled = false), the form
itself is enabled (Enabled= true).
when the process ends, all the controls come back (Enabled = true).
during this process time, if the user clic everywhere nothing append. But
when the UI come back, all the clicks appends, and sometimes my app crash.
so my client is angry (why he clic every where, i ask ....), and my boss
very angry

Why the clics are bufferised ?
is it normal ?
how can i do ?