Clearing History Files

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tony
  • Start date Start date


How do you completely clear history files. I go to a
customers site on a daily basis and when I type in part
of the address an extension automatically pops up.

Example: I want to go to site but when I
type "www.a" then automatically pops up.

I have cleared the history under options, but this
address remains. How do I get rid of it?

From what I have gathered looking through Microsoft's
Knowledgebase Articles, here's how to clear History Files:

Right click on the Internet Explorer icon "E" and click
on "Properties." This will bring up the Internet
Properties dialog box. Under the "General Tab" click on
the "Clear History" button.

If that doesn't work, click on the "Content Tab" in the
Internet Properties dialog box. Click on
the "AutoComplete" button and then click on "Clear Forms."

If that doesn't work, try highlighting the address entry
and pressing the delete key.

If the cached addresses are still listed in the Address
box, then you'll have to edit your registry. For
information on how to do that, I suggest you look up
Microsoft Knowledge Base Article # 157729. Be sure to
backup your registry before attempting to make any changes!

Hope this helps!
I want to go to site but when I type "www.a"
then automatically pops up.

Instead of the fighting with the arcane sources of the AutoSuggest
list a simpler, more efficient approach is to create a Favorite
for that site and name it in such a way that you only have to
type a few characters. This assumes that you are already
using both AutoComplete for Web Addresses and
Use Inline AutoComplete. Favorites seem to be given precedence
over History entries which have the same first characters.

(Or maybe it's just that a space is a numerically lower character
than a period. Or maybe it's that Favorites can have uppercase
characters which are numerically lower than lowercase characters
and URL sitenames are usually always lowercase only. We could test...)

Also note that when you use AutoComplete in the Address bar
that you do not need to type the www. ever. All that does
is take you on a temporary detour matching any entries such
as www.ww...

BTW here's another trick you can use with Favorites from the menu.
If your Favorite is the only one which begins with its first character
you can launch it simply by typing that letter after opening the menu
(e.g. by pressing Alt-a) The same feature is available to you with links
in submenus (subfolders). So, for your example if you installed
a menu item in the Links subfolder called ABC and it was the only
item in there which started with A you could _launch_ it by typing

Finally when you do get matches on URLs where you only need the
the first part be aware that Ctrl-Backspace will delete words for
you which should speed up that type of editing a lot. So, for your
example you might be able to do this right now: type ab; press Tab;
press Ctrl-Backspace and press Enter. Compare OTOH if typing ab
would bring up and match a Favorite called ABC.url
you would then only have to press Enter.


Robert Aldwinckle