I've got a program which queries a database and makes a treestructure in a
Treeview with it results.
No want to be ablt to clear the treeview as fast as possible. I am using
TreeView.Node.Clear() right now, but when I got a lot of nodes (lets say
starting around 40 and more, and keep in mind I have to be able to make
structures existing out of 200 and more nodes) it takes like 3-4 seconds to
clear the TreeView AND it also behaves a little strange : the vertical
scrollbar keeps refreshing and changing size...
I'd like to know if it's possible to "reset" the TreeView or to cancel all
the nodes of level 1 in one time ?
I've got a program which queries a database and makes a treestructure in a
Treeview with it results.
No want to be ablt to clear the treeview as fast as possible. I am using
TreeView.Node.Clear() right now, but when I got a lot of nodes (lets say
starting around 40 and more, and keep in mind I have to be able to make
structures existing out of 200 and more nodes) it takes like 3-4 seconds to
clear the TreeView AND it also behaves a little strange : the vertical
scrollbar keeps refreshing and changing size...
I'd like to know if it's possible to "reset" the TreeView or to cancel all
the nodes of level 1 in one time ?