Thanks for the reply... Yes, actually the code that I posted was actually
working as I discovered later on through more debugging. There was a
different problem that was setting the listview item index to -1 so it
appeared that my code was not setting the value at all when in fact it was.
Thanks for your help.
I am trying to set a combo box's text property to a value from a listview
item's text property as shown below... However, it appears that because
combo box is defined as a "DropDownList", am I am now unable to assign a
text value that way? Do I now have to find out what position the listview
item's text value I want is in the list of combo items and then assign an
index value instead of an actual text value? (Wow, that was a mouthful!!!)
Me.cboLabel.Text = Me.lvwJobPosts.SelectedItems.Item(0).SubItems(2).Text
Thanks, Brad
I really had difficulty to make out what you're trying to do, as a
little understanding, if you want to syncronize two values between a
listview's subitem and combobox, you can do it with the code that you
Me.cboLabel.Text =
I think you're asking if you have to specify index of listview
subitem's and i think yes you have to. If you used listbox instead of
listview you could use listbox1.selecteditem to get items text
property without specifying index (position) name.
Onur Güzel