Cleaning User Input...

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I recently found a vulnerability on my website that allowed sql
injection. I have been trying to write some code that would clean user
data but have been running into problems. The validation still works,
however so does the injection methods I have used....
These are the examples of code I have tried to use to fix the problem.

1. FrmUserName=replace (FrmUserName, " ' ", "")

2. function stripQuotes(FrmUserName)
stripQuotes = replace(FrmUserName, "'", "''")
end function

3. Function InputFilter(userInput)
Dim newString, regEx
Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.Pattern = " ' "
regEx.IgnoreCase = True
regEx.Global = True
newString = regEx.Replace(userInput, "")
Set regEx = nothing
InputFilter = newString
End Function

here is the validation I am currently using...

DIM oDBConn, oDBRS, oDBCommand
DIM frmUserName,frmPassword

Set oDBConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set oDBRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set oSYSDB = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.REcordset")
Set oDBCommand = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")

' On Error Resume Next

oDBString = Application("Database1_ConnectionString")
oDBConn.Open oDBString

If Session("validated") = 0 OR IsNull(Session("validated"))=True Then

frmUserName = Request.Form("UserName")
frmPassword = Request.Form("Password")

UCase(frmUserName) &"' AND PWD='"& frmPassword &"'"

oDBRS.Open oDBSQL,oDBConn,adOpenDynamic

If oDBRS.EOF = False Then
If oDBRS("STATUS") = 1 Then
Session("UserClass") = oDBRS("CLASS")
Session("UserID") = oDBRS("SYSID")
Session("UserName") = oDBRS("FIRSTNAME")&" "& oDBRS("LASTNAME")
Session("Validated") = 1
Session("Marketer") = oDBRS("MARKETER")
If IsNull(oDBRS("TELEPHONE1"))=True or
IsNull(oDBRS("MARKETER"))=True Then

Session("UpdateProfile") = 1
Session("UpdateProfile") = 2
End If
End If

End If
End If


any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Very Much
Joe Sin
If you get this fixed not, it will eventually become an issue again at some
You really need to think about using parameters in your SQL statements
instead of creating a SQL string based on user input. That way, the ADO API
will insulate you from that kind of attack. It also keeps you from having to
do strange stuff like turning date values into strings, etc

Check out:

Look at the section titled "How to Execute a Parameterized Statement "
Thanks very much David...
That article will help with the rebuild I plan on doing for the page(i
am still torn between that and stored procedures), however, I need to
plug the hole in the mean time. I still cant get special characters
removed. My attempts (the examples) do not hinder the page pulling the
names from the database, but they do not stop entry by other means.
any ideas?
Thanks very much David...
That article will help with the rebuild I plan on doing for the page(i
am still torn between that and stored procedures), however, I need to
plug the hole in the mean time. I still cant get special characters
removed. My attempts (the examples) do not hinder the page pulling the
names from the database, but they do not stop entry by other means.
any ideas?
Are you still referring to Sql Injection?

If so, then using parameters totally prees you from having to check your
user's input. If you have:

Select * From Users WHERE UserName=? and Password=?

and, the user enters:
UserName: John
Password: Smith';Drop Table Users;

the the parameter's underlying implementation will automatically "clean" the
input, so to speak, and the net result will be zero records because there is
not a record with the Paddword of "Smith';Drop Table Users;"

Ultimately, the only way to prevent SQL Injection is to deal only with
stored procedures and only give the account that's accessing the database
permissions to work with those procedures. However, using Parameters instead
of SQL strings that you build based on user input will add enough protection
to your code that you won't have to worry about injection at the UI level any