Cleaning up Startup


Dean Mixon

How does one keep applications from automatically loading
on startup? Of late startup has been quite slow for me,
and I think that if I could keep a number of programs
from starting with Windows (like Cineplayer, AOL and the
like), startup would be faster.


Dean Mixon

Will Denny

Hi Dean

From Start>Run type


then click on the startup tab. Uncheck any programs in there that you don't
want loading with Windows. Some programs may be launched with Windows from
within that program itself - and may not be listed in msconfig>startup.
Then reboot your system. You will see a message about System
Configuration - check the small box on the left hand side, although it will
appear again every time you edit those entries. To clear the unchecked
entries use the following:

Line 148 - right hand side


Will Denny
MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User
Please reply to the News Groups

| How does one keep applications from automatically loading
| on startup? Of late startup has been quite slow for me,
| and I think that if I could keep a number of programs
| from starting with Windows (like Cineplayer, AOL and the
| like), startup would be faster.
| Thanks,
| Dean Mixon


Will's advice will work fine, but it's easier to use Startup Control Panel
which you can download (very quickly) at
This gives a better view of startup items and lets you disable them or
completely delete them very easily. msconfig is really ddesigned for
diagnostic troubleshooting. Kelly's clever work around lets you use it to
also delete start up items, but takes more steps.

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