I read that thermal paste should be cleaned off with some alcohol.
What alcohol should I buy and where can I get it?
Lucky you're not in the UK. Last time I tried to get IPA(isopropyl
alcohol).. I had to go to the chemist and ask for the chemist.. and
more often than not, the man in the white coat said they didn't stock
it anymore. One tried to sell me something else. Boots chemist had
70% not 99%.
The people that say use IPA also say to use a lint free cloth.
(lint free means something along the lines of it not shredding easily.
If you wipe a wet tissue on your trousers you'd prob see bits of
tissue on there. Not so with a lint free cloth)
Just incase getting the bottle of IPA wasn't hard enough. The bottle
said to avoid contact with hands and use in a well ventilated area.
So I have been known to go outside, and put on the polythene gloves -
also from Boots.
I have also heard that that is all totally unnecessary. And that a
tissue is fine, maybe wet maybe with water. Though no doubt alcohol -
any alcohol - whiskey, vodka, may be more effective in getting off
that paste 'cos it's so greasy. (washing up liquid?!). I guess, at
worst, perhaps your CPU may be a few degrees warmer. This may be an
issue if you have a noise issue and it means your fan spinning up too
loud for your ears. But if that really were an issue, there are
fanless solutions. If you have a big enough case, a fanless heatsink.
Or there are ultra low voltage processors, some P4s, some core duos
and core 2 duos e.t.c. and these produce such a small amount of heat
that they can have little passive(fanless) heatsinks..
Then there's getting the heatsink onto the damn thing. Last time I
did that it involved taking my shirt off and pounding my chest. It's
worth practicing a few times beforehand without putting paste on the
cpu. So you get into the rhythm. I find It's always a different
experience, depending on what screwdriver you're using, how you're
sitting, where the light source is. It's like serving in tennis. You'd
think they wouldn't mess it up.