David Dyer-Bennet
I've found a couple of web pages with disassembly information that
shows me what I'll be facing if I decide to risk this myself.
I'm wondering how many people have actually done it themselves?
Anybody have good or bad anecdotes? The alternative I guess is
sending it to Nikon for a while -- and sending them quite a bit of
money. On the up side, I could perhaps have the strip film handler
repaired at the same time -- it doesn't seem to work on strips over 4
negatives long recently.
I believe Eclipse fluids and PecPads or sensor-cleaning swabs would be
an adequately safe method of cleaning the mirror (I'm presuming it's a
front-surface mirror and hence needs great care in cleaning). Anybody
think those are bad tools for the job?
(<http://www.vad1.com/photo/dirty-scanner/ls2000-cleaning/> seems to
be the main page telling how to do this yourself; if anybody thinks
these instructions are dangerous, or has better ones, please let me
shows me what I'll be facing if I decide to risk this myself.
I'm wondering how many people have actually done it themselves?
Anybody have good or bad anecdotes? The alternative I guess is
sending it to Nikon for a while -- and sending them quite a bit of
money. On the up side, I could perhaps have the strip film handler
repaired at the same time -- it doesn't seem to work on strips over 4
negatives long recently.
I believe Eclipse fluids and PecPads or sensor-cleaning swabs would be
an adequately safe method of cleaning the mirror (I'm presuming it's a
front-surface mirror and hence needs great care in cleaning). Anybody
think those are bad tools for the job?
(<http://www.vad1.com/photo/dirty-scanner/ls2000-cleaning/> seems to
be the main page telling how to do this yourself; if anybody thinks
these instructions are dangerous, or has better ones, please let me