I have just received a message (in answer to a query) from Epson saying that Windex is fine for cleaning the glass on
their scanner. This seems to contradict advice I have seen here. Could anyone comment?
P. Taine
I have also used Windex but find that, like *all* other "wet"
compounds, it always leaves a residue.
This may be very faint and hard to see, but it's there nevertheless.
Two tests (after thoroughly cleaning with a favorite wet compound):
1. Lift the lid and scan "nothing" in a darkened room. Then brighten
the resulting image in your image editor until becomes light gray.
Enlarge to 100% and you'll be able to see every scratch, smudge, etc.
2. As the above scan proceeds look at the flatbed glass at eye level
i.e. squat so the glass is at the same height as your eyes. As the
light travels down the glass you'll able to spot all sorts of ugly
Therefore, I use a "dry" method i.e. one of those microfiber cloths.
However, you have to get a good one!!! There is a lot of garbage out
there calling itself "microfiber" but it's not. A good microfiber
cloth has a "rubbery" feel when you clean the glass. That the nano
surface actually "sticking" to the glass as it removes all the junk.