Yeah it's called distilled water!
Distilled water will usually work, but if the glycol in the ink has
set, you may need to take more aggressive measures. Start off with
microwaving the distilled water to warm it up -- not too hot, just
warm. If you can't get distilled water, it's often easier to get
hold of deionized water -- think Brita filters.
You can also try setting the head face down on a moistened lint-free
cloth for an hour or two -- the better grade paper towels will work
too. The capillary action of the cloth can sometimes be enough to
suck out the mess from the nozzles.
If that still doesn't work, you can add some isopropanol to the
cleaning mix and try again. The cleaning fluids that electronic shops
sell for this purpose are typically some combination of isopropanol,
and distilled water -- the percentages vary by manufacturer. A few
brands add a detergent of some sort, but the few times I've seen it
listed as an ingredient, it's listed as "detergent" -- that's it, no
specific chemical name, just "detergent".
If you opt to heat it, add the alcohol *after* heating the water. For
safety reasons, you probably don't want to heat the alcohol/water
mixture or alcohol alone. Then repeat whole process of soaking, and
"wicking" (that's what lexmark calls it) with the moist towel. I'm
not sure what else you can do if that still doesn't work