clean up



I am running XP Pro and would like to know if there is a
simple SAFE program that i can run to clean up my registry
and hard drive of junk. My kids have been using my laptop
for the last 3 months and now it is running very slow. I
have cleared cookies and temp files.

Carey Frisch [MVP]

System Mechanic ( is an excellent utility program
designed to cleanup unused/obsolete files and optimize the registry.
You can try it out free for thirty days.

You may wish to perform a "tune-up" that may also help:

1. Perform a DISK CLEANUP:
(Start > Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Disk Cleanup)

2. Go to Start > Run and type: CMD , and hit enter. In the Command
Prompt window type: CHKDSK /F , and hit enter, answer "yes" and
reboot your computer.

3. Afterward, perform a DEFRAG of your hard drive.

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User


| I am running XP Pro and would like to know if there is a
| simple SAFE program that i can run to clean up my registry
| and hard drive of junk. My kids have been using my laptop
| for the last 3 months and now it is running very slow. I
| have cleared cookies and temp files.

The Unknown P

RegCleaner is a Microsoft product and free. JV16 Power
Tools is what I use, the old one is free. NTRegopt is also
free. Do an internet search for the downloads that are
closest to you. I also use SpyBot Search and Destroy.
SpyWare Blaster. MRU Blaster. BHO Blaster. All are free
and all help to cleanup your OS and keep it running fast.
Be sure to keep fragmentation under %7 any more than that
and speed degrades exponentially.


Try ad-aware. It's a program that will scan your HD for
spyware and programs that send info about your web
habbits. These programs can steal system resources and
thus slow your computer down. Here's a link: Also, check your
startup folder for programs you don't need to start
everytime you load windows. You can safely disable these
start up programs by using msconfig [start menu, RUN, type
msconfig [enter]. Click on the start tab and disable
programs you don't need to start.] If you experience
problems, you can always enable them again. Good luck.
Also, if you have Kazza installed- uninstall it! This is
the cause of many computer problems.

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