Please help
how does one do a clean install of vista beta 2. Its seems the only way for
me is to upgrade it from xp.
Would like the steps to do a clean install for better performance. If I
reformat the hd first using xp then swayp to vista dvd its not recognizing so
have to reinstall xp first then vista but I want to clean install.
please help
when asked I did click on clean install but during it said that vista will
put everyting in an OLD file. Isnt this upgrading not a clean install how
does one clean install
how does one do a clean install of vista beta 2. Its seems the only way for
me is to upgrade it from xp.
Would like the steps to do a clean install for better performance. If I
reformat the hd first using xp then swayp to vista dvd its not recognizing so
have to reinstall xp first then vista but I want to clean install.
please help
when asked I did click on clean install but during it said that vista will
put everyting in an OLD file. Isnt this upgrading not a clean install how
does one clean install