An alternative, that will do the job for you with one simply button click is
an application aptly named 'CleanCache' ( I use this
application regularly. I should point out that you do need to have the .NET
framework 1.1 installed on your pc for CleanCache to work
Just install Cleancache and run the application. Click the Internet explorer
tab and tick all the boxes you want cleared - include the index.dat files
too. Next click the windows tab and do the same. Finally click the run
complete cleanup button on the status tab.
If you install cleancache and you do not have the .NET framework installed
clean cache will throw up an error message and will not work. If you already
have .NET framework (you can check in control panel>administrative tools and
see if .NET framework icons are visible. If not download it from windows
update. It's around 23MB and install it.