CLCL - Export as Text?

  • Thread starter Thread starter jo
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Is it possible to export CLCL entries as pure text? I've tried the
export options for a load of URL's I've accumulated but they export as
binary gibberish.
I'd like to export them as a text file...
jo said:
Is it possible to export CLCL entries as pure text? I've tried the
export options for a load of URL's I've accumulated but they export as
binary gibberish.
I'd like to export them as a text file...

I don't have much familiarity with CLCL. For instance, I have to simply
guess that the File > Save As, it is inadequate, failing to export entire

I tried one brief test just now. Did an export, then used "Index.dat Suite"
to extract contents. That results came out well. Just the URLs, and no
extraneous chars in there. But the problem with my test was that I used
only a very small CLCL data file. So you'd need to try it yourself. (118k)

In the IDFinder (main) window:

Search For : CLCL_export.dat (alternative, name it to index.dat)
Search In : (path to where you dropped that file)

Then click the Find button

When it's done, context-click that .dat file, and choose the "View File
Contents" command.

In the new window which comes up, you'll have a Save As etc option for
the textual output.

I can't make any assurances about your results, since I only tried with
a small and simple file. There are other utils to extract text from binary,
too, could also look at. If you get good results from Index.dat Suite,
then it might do to look at those others. It is as possibility they do
the job equally, as far as output. And then be fewer steps to utilize.
jo said:
Is it possible to export CLCL entries as pure text? I've tried the
export options for a load of URL's I've accumulated but they export as
binary gibberish.

In case you're up to taking on a project for this, one of testing out
some utils for extract text from CLCL binary export files: (650k)

Index.dat Suite
Strings (commandline*)

(*) In the realm of commandline progs, I think there are a number of more
choices around. Just Strings was the only one I had near at hand.

By the way, the situation where I'd accumulated this group of programs,
that was for a reasonably similar project. It was when I needed to export
text from the binary .dfl data files used by FreshDownload. The app has
since implemented many nice export options natively. Before that though,
I was in the position of looking for text output via the utils above...
omega said:
I tried one brief test just now. Did an export, then used "Index.dat Suite"
to extract contents. That results came out well. Just the URLs, and no
extraneous chars in there. But the problem with my test was that I used
only a very small CLCL data file. So you'd need to try it yourself. (118k)

In the IDFinder (main) window:

Search For : CLCL_export.dat (alternative, name it to index.dat)
Search In : (path to where you dropped that file)

Then click the Find button

When it's done, context-click that .dat file, and choose the "View File
Contents" command.

In the new window which comes up, you'll have a Save As etc option for
the textual output.

It worked. :-)

At times you are akin to a goddess...

I'm toying with Treepad as a bookmarks manager; now I can toy more.

So many thx.
jo said:
It worked. :-)

Ah, good news!
At times you are akin to a goddess...

Woah. :) Closest I'd ever got to a compliment like that, it was a fellow
who'd downed enough shots of Jagermeister to believe that I looked like
Sigourney Weaver. But his view was predominately a result of the Jager --
and I especially fail in having never once managed to change my height
up to that six to seven foot range, the way she did in Alien Resurrection.

Ah, wait, Jo, I just realized the real reason for your flattering words.
It was so that I would not press you on the download from my site of the
other utils. You figured I was trying to pass off another deltree HKCU
"registry cleaner." Like the last time, with that result where was you
couldn't boot up, and had to telnet from your BIOS setup screen in order
to post to usenet.

.. . . .
I'm toying with Treepad as a bookmarks manager; now I can toy more.

I like the way it is a particular command, to launch URLs, in Treepad.
Contrast to the usual way, in editors, where they automatically react
to a single mouse click. In those editors, when I am using the mouse to
deal with text, such as dragging it around, I often set off the link
launching without intending to. Frustrating misfires.