In VC++ 6.0, when we add a Registered ActiveX Control to the project form
Project menu\Add to Project\Components and Contorls, then all the classes
required for that control is automatically added to the project.
Even when we inset ActiveX componenet by right clicking a dialog resource.
and then try to add a variable for it, the Class wizard asks for inseting it
in the project, and inserts necessary classes for it..
But these things doesn't happen in VC++ .NET 2003.. currently I am working
in unmanaged vc++ .net 2003project.
In VC++ 6.0, when we add a Registered ActiveX Control to the project form
Project menu\Add to Project\Components and Contorls, then all the classes
required for that control is automatically added to the project.
Even when we inset ActiveX componenet by right clicking a dialog resource.
and then try to add a variable for it, the Class wizard asks for inseting it
in the project, and inserts necessary classes for it..
But these things doesn't happen in VC++ .NET 2003.. currently I am working
in unmanaged vc++ .net 2003project.