Rob Richardson
It seems to me that .Net is much more typing-intensive than VB6 was.
Instead of getting a recordset and reading a value from it using something
like "Name = MyRecordset("name")", I have to say something like "Name =
MyDataset.Tables(0).Rows(0)("Name")". I am tempted to write a class that
would inherit from DataSet and would provide the same interface that the VB6
RecordSet object did. It would have to have MoveFirst, MoveNext, EOF, and
BOF methods and such like.
Before I try to build something like this, I'm curious: Has anyone else
already done this?
Thanks very much!
It seems to me that .Net is much more typing-intensive than VB6 was.
Instead of getting a recordset and reading a value from it using something
like "Name = MyRecordset("name")", I have to say something like "Name =
MyDataset.Tables(0).Rows(0)("Name")". I am tempted to write a class that
would inherit from DataSet and would provide the same interface that the VB6
RecordSet object did. It would have to have MoveFirst, MoveNext, EOF, and
BOF methods and such like.
Before I try to build something like this, I'm curious: Has anyone else
already done this?
Thanks very much!