Class to update db-structure


Thomas Kehl


I am searching for a class which is able to update a sql-server db-structure
about definitions for example in a xml-file. I have a database which
structure have to be updated after a update of my application. Can anybody
give me a tipp, where I can find something about that - or how to develop my
own class for this?



Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]


If you are looking for an arbitrary framework to update any database
structure using any object structure, then it looks like you will need an
object mapper/object relational system. You should google for those terms
and see what comes up.

Off the top of my head, NHibernate comes to mind. If you can wait for
ADO.NET for Entities, you could use that as well.

Of course, there is nothing stopping you from issuing calls to the
database yourself.

Hope this helps.


Thomas Kehl said:

I am searching for a class which is able to update a sql-server
db-structure about definitions for example in a xml-file. I have a
database which structure have to be updated after a update of my
application. Can anybody give me a tipp, where I can find something about
that - or how to develop my own class for this?

There are tools out there to diff databases and generate scripts to align
them. Red Gate has a tool called SQL Compare. Once you have them aligned
then you can think of how you are going to handle this going forward. SQL
Server can generate change scripts whenever a table is modified and this can
then be applied to your production databases. That is how I do it but I have
done this from the very beginning so I can make any version of the database
the current version easily.


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