Class reference types

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sujith Manuel
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Sujith Manuel

Hi all,

Anybody know how to define class reference type in visual C#. My requirement
is as follows:

I have one class named CMyClass, I need to define one custom type named
"CNewClass" of type CMyClass so that I can create variables of type

The variables of type CNewClass can hold a reference to CMyClass and it's
derived classes.

Any help in this regard is really appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
Sujith Manuel
Anybody know how to define class reference type in visual C#. My requirement
is as follows:

I have one class named CMyClass, I need to define one custom type named
"CNewClass" of type CMyClass so that I can create variables of type

The variables of type CNewClass can hold a reference to CMyClass and it's
derived classes.

You can use the 'using-alias' directive to do what you want.

Here is a sample code for what you want to do:
namespace ConsoleApplication1

using CNewClass = CMyClass;
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for Class1.
/// </summary>
class Class1
/// <summary>
/// The main entry point for the application.
/// </summary>
static void Main(string[] args)
// TODO: Add code to start application here

CNewClass a = new CMyClass();
CMyClass b = new CMyClass();


class CMyClass


In the above code, we create a type reference to CMyClass with the 'using'
directive. This basically creates an alias for CMyClass and you can then
use the two type names interchangeably.

Hope this helps.

Adrian Mascarenhas, Developer Division

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