Class Raise Event not firing

  • Thread starter Thread starter Phillip
  • Start date Start date


I have 6 Combobox controls on a userform
named ComboBox1 to Combobox6

When I click on a combobox the class
Msgbox displays the combobox name
I clicked corrrectly.

However the raise event only fires on
the last combobox

It seems to be a scope problem but I
cannot see the answer

What extra code do I need to fire
the raise event for any combobox I click

UserForm Code

Public colevents As Collection
Public WithEvents cls As ClsComboEvent

Private Sub cls_GetClickedControl(n As String)
MsgBox n 'Only fires on last combobox click
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim ctrl As MSForms.Control
Dim x As Long
Set colevents = New Collection
For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
If TypeOf ctrl Is ComboBox Then
For x = 1 To 3 'add 3 choices
ctrl.AddItem "Choice" & CStr(x)
Set cls = New ClsComboEvent
Set cls.Cevent = ctrl
colevents.Add cls
End If
End Sub

Class Module code

Class is named cls

Public WithEvents Cevent As MSForms.ComboBox
Event GetClickedControl(n As String)

Private Sub Cevent_Click()
Dim ControlName As String
ControlName = Cevent.Name
'MsgBox ControlName 'this fires correctly
RaiseEvent GetClickedControl(ControlName)
End Sub
Each combox need its own click function. this function can be only one line
which calls a common routiune

Private Sub cls_combobox1_click()
n = "1"
call cls_GetClickedControl(n)
End Sub
Private Sub cls_combobox2_click()
n = "2"
call cls_GetClickedControl(n)
End Sub
Private Sub cls_combobox3_click()
n = "3"
call cls_GetClickedControl(n)
End Sub
Private Sub cls_combobox4_click()
n = "4"
call cls_GetClickedControl(n)
End Sub
Private Sub cls_combobox5_click()
n = "5"
call cls_GetClickedControl(n)
End Sub
Private Sub cls_combobox8_click()
n = "6"
call cls_GetClickedControl(n)
End Sub

Private Sub cls_GetClickedControl(n As String)
MsgBox n 'Only fires on last combobox click
End Sub
here's my demo - it can be done as you wish.
I start with a new userform with 6 combo boxes. add any other controls you
wish - the code identifies any number of comboboxes, so yuo can add as many
as you want. Also, for this demo, some items are added to ecah combo box

It requires a class module. I called it clsControl
This is the code in this class module:

Option Explicit
Public WithEvents m_MyComboBox As MSForms.ComboBox
Public Event Changed(text As String)
Private Sub m_MyComboBox_Change()
MsgBox "You changed " & m_MyComboBox.Name & vbLf & _
m_MyComboBox.Tag = "True"
End Sub

This is the code behind the Userform:
Option Explicit
Dim colComBoxes As New Collection
Dim WithEvents ctComboBox As clsControl

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim ctrl As Control
For Each ctrl In Controls
If ctrl.Name Like "Combo*" Then
AddValues ctrl 'for demo
Set ctComboBox = New clsControl
Set ctComboBox.m_MyComboBox = ctrl
colComBoxes.Add ctComboBox
End If
End Sub
'the followign puts data into each combo
Private Sub AddValues(ctrl As ComboBox)
ctrl.AddItem Chr(65 + Int(Rnd() * 26))
ctrl.AddItem Chr(65 + Int(Rnd() * 26))
ctrl.AddItem Chr(65 + Int(Rnd() * 26))
End Sub
two changes

please cjamhe the class module code to this:
Option Explicit
Public WithEvents m_MyComboBox As MSForms.ComboBox
Public Event Changed(text As String)
Private Sub m_MyComboBox_Change()
UserForm1.Changed (m_MyComboBox.Name)
End Sub

Please add this procedure to the userfor:
Sub Changed(text As String)
MsgBox text
End Sub