class installer has denied the request to install or upgrade this device

Dec 19, 2005
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help!!!! i recently reinstalled my windows xp. fresh. now my sound wont work. its an older pc with no reinstall cd. so i opened it up and found that i have an onboard sound card. a crystal cs4235. i downloaded the proper files. it ask me to restart. i do. the computer then procedes to find 3 diff new devices 1 - CTRL 2- WSS/SB and 3-DISABLED i try to update these drivers from the file that i downloaded and i keep getting the infamous "class installer has denied the request to install or upgrade this device" what gives!!!! and what the heck is a class installer?
does it show up in device manager ? if it does is there an exclamation mark next to it ?

to get to device manager, right click 'my computer' > properties > hardware tab > device manager
i guess from reading other forums the one named DISABLED is the proper name. as for the other 2 not sure
i have everest home edtion. this is what it tells me
Motherboard ID 4J4NB0X1.15A.0019.P11.9904261419
Motherboard Name Intel Juneau JN440BX

i am on a gateway e3200
that system isn't really supposed to be running XP and did you use an XP compatible driver ?
i know it isnt supposed to be running xp. im not sure if the driver is compatible. i ever tried installing the files will running in win 98 compatibilty mode for thge setup file. where would i find a compatible driver?
i have tried numorous setup files from various places. etc.... none work. they install. restart. pc finds the 3 things (CRTL,WSS/SB,DISABLED) but when it searches for the drivers finds none. so when i try to manually install the drivers from the seyup files i get the class denied messege im ready to just go out and buy a pci sound card. didnt want to spend if i didnt have to!
yes i have i havent found anything. i went to there knowledge base and searched for cs4235. nothing.