Remember Inherits is about adding or specializing functionality of a base
It is not about REMOVING functionality of a base class.
When you inherit from a class you are saying I have a DataGrid, which also
does these new & cool things.
However it sounds like you want to say: I don't have a DataGrid at all, I
just have this control that happens to display a DataGrid.
I would start with a normal UserControl add a DataGrid to it, then via
delegation (not to be confused with a Delegate type) expose the properties &
methods of the DataGrid on the UserControl.
Remember if you inherit from a class DataGrid, you can place an instance of
your class in a variable of the base class and gain full access to the base
Dim grid As DataGrid = New WStoreyIIDataGrid
The "grid" variable above will have all the properties & methods of a normal
Hope this helps