These "techie types" apparently didn't know or point out that Clam is
a extemely deficient scanner. Most decent av products detect four or
five times as many malwares, and they don't have the detection holes
that Clam has, such as a inability to deal with macro and polymorphic
Just to update you slightly:
ClamAV does detect macro viruses in the current CVS
and new macro virus data is being entered all the time:
Look for updates like:
Submission: 3069
Sender: Edmond
Submitted virus name: W97M.Microb
Virus name: W97M.Microb.A
Added: Yes
It's just slow
Don't bother with it.
Well, there have been speed ups added:
For example, I've asked the authors to add "ignore-types" for BMP, PDF's,
PostScript and Real Media files and they added them, to the list they aleady
{0, "\000\000\001\263", 4, "MPEG video stream", CL_DATAFILE},
{0, "\000\000\001\272", 4, "MPEG sys stream", CL_DATAFILE},
{0, "RIFF", 4, "RIFF", CL_DATAFILE},
{0, "GIF", 3, "GIF", CL_DATAFILE},
{0, "\x89PNG", 4, "PNG", CL_DATAFILE},
{0, "\377\330\377", 4, "JPEG", CL_DATAFILE},
{0, "BM", 2, "BMP", CL_DATAFILE},
{0, "OggS", 4, "Ogg Stream", CL_DATAFILE},
{0, "ID3", 3, "MP3", CL_DATAFILE},
{0, "\377\373\220", 3, "MP3", CL_DATAFILE},
{0, "\%PDF-", 5, "PDF document", CL_DATAFILE},
{0, "\%!PS-Adobe-", 11, "PostScript", CL_DATAFILE},
{0, "\060\046\262\165\216\146\317", 7, "WMA/WMV/ASF", CL_DATAFILE},
{0, ".RMF" , 4, "Real Media File", CL_DATAFILE},
So, as a result, it's getting slightly faster.
As far as windows users, I wouldn't remove AVG or AVAST etc. as my main
scanner, I just use WinClamAV for a backup on-demand scanner. However,
WinClamAV now has a plugin for Outlook and that's a step forward
Hope that helps,