Citations and Bibliography group

  • Thread starter Thread starter Polly
  • Start date Start date


I am keen to have a go at this (I have experience of both EndNote and
Refworks) but unfortunately the Citations and Bibliography group is not
showing on the References ribbon.

Does anybody know how I can add it?

Many thanks
Have you any third party referencing software installed such as EndNote?
They tend to remove the original group from the ribbon. According to them so
their users wouldn't make a mistake. But the truth is probably that they are
trying to 'eliminate' the competition that way?

You can still add them to your Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) if you don't want
to disable/uninstall your third party software. Click the little arrow next
to the QAT and select "More commands...". For "Choose commands from:" select
"All Commands". The one you might want to add is "Citations and
Bibliography". Clicking that button in your QAT should present you with all
the options you normally find on the ribbon.

Many thanks Yves, I suspected this was the case as I do have both EndNote and
Refworks installed (I teach them both) but I wanted to familiarise myself
with the Word option as some students will use that rather than installing
either of the other two.

As you suggested, I will add the buttons to my QAT.
I have a citations and bibliography group on my ribbon but the only live
button is the insert citation button. I am unable to click to manage sources
or create a bibliography or anything and it is frustrating not to be able to
use this to its potential.
My EndNote toolbar is not showing in my word doc, and cannot be accessed with
the tools option. I have the library linked to this doc on my home somputer
but when i open it on university computer it's not linked!
Can anyone help please?