At school we have ADSL I-line. We don't have a modem only a cisco 800
router. This cisco router is administrated by belgacom. We can't do
anything in that router, only belgacom can enter the cisco router. I
have asked belgacom to completly open the cisco and forward al the
ports to our usr 8200 (IP:
The already did that.
Now I want to connect our usr 8200 to the cisco. (because then we can
ourselfs manage the usr 8200 router and open/close/forward ports as we
I now connected the ethernet port of the cisco router the wan port of
the usr 8200.
I then connected a pc to a lan port of the usr 8200 and enabled dynamic
ip adresses on the pc.
Then I can enter http://usr8200
the problem is that at school we use static ip adresses. And I can't
figure out how to get everything working.
How should I configure the WAN section of the usr 8200
When I leave the WAN with a automatic ip, the status stays : waiting
for dhcp lease
Do I change "network" to WAN, LAN or DMZ?
Do I change "internet protocol" to use the following ip address/obtain
an Ip address auto/ no IP address
Do I change DNS server to obtain DNS server address auto or do I use
our DNS settings : and
Do I change "IP adderess distribution" to enabled/DHCP server/DHCP
How should I configure the LAN section of the usr 8200
Does the ip adres of "internet protocol" need te be :
Do I change "ip address distribution" to diasbled?
Do I change "routing" to basic?
Kind Regards,
Van Wynsberghe Benny
router. This cisco router is administrated by belgacom. We can't do
anything in that router, only belgacom can enter the cisco router. I
have asked belgacom to completly open the cisco and forward al the
ports to our usr 8200 (IP:
The already did that.
Now I want to connect our usr 8200 to the cisco. (because then we can
ourselfs manage the usr 8200 router and open/close/forward ports as we
I now connected the ethernet port of the cisco router the wan port of
the usr 8200.
I then connected a pc to a lan port of the usr 8200 and enabled dynamic
ip adresses on the pc.
Then I can enter http://usr8200
the problem is that at school we use static ip adresses. And I can't
figure out how to get everything working.
How should I configure the WAN section of the usr 8200
When I leave the WAN with a automatic ip, the status stays : waiting
for dhcp lease
Do I change "network" to WAN, LAN or DMZ?
Do I change "internet protocol" to use the following ip address/obtain
an Ip address auto/ no IP address
Do I change DNS server to obtain DNS server address auto or do I use
our DNS settings : and
Do I change "IP adderess distribution" to enabled/DHCP server/DHCP
How should I configure the LAN section of the usr 8200
Does the ip adres of "internet protocol" need te be :
Do I change "ip address distribution" to diasbled?
Do I change "routing" to basic?
Kind Regards,
Van Wynsberghe Benny