Krzysztof Mazurek
Did any one tried and succeeded installing
Cisco VPN Client on Vista ?
I tried the 4.8.x.x the now it's installing ok, I can run console, I had to
change some options in my profile, but it's fine. The last I can't get
through is that the TrueVector driver 'have some incompability problems' so
it cannot be used (I got this on balloon help message next). And the
connection is dead.
Any ideas how to make it running? How to disable this driver (As far as I
know it is a ZoneAlarm firewall part).
Is Cisco planning any new version of it's VPN Client? Maybe I can replace
CISCO VPN with some other software ?
best regards,

Did any one tried and succeeded installing
Cisco VPN Client on Vista ?
I tried the 4.8.x.x the now it's installing ok, I can run console, I had to
change some options in my profile, but it's fine. The last I can't get
through is that the TrueVector driver 'have some incompability problems' so
it cannot be used (I got this on balloon help message next). And the
connection is dead.
Any ideas how to make it running? How to disable this driver (As far as I
know it is a ZoneAlarm firewall part).
Is Cisco planning any new version of it's VPN Client? Maybe I can replace
CISCO VPN with some other software ?
best regards,