Cisco VPN client disconnects

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VPN Connectivity

Before installing Antispyware, I could stay logged into
Cisco VPN (client version 4.0.2(A) for periods of weeks
with no issues. After antispyware install, it dies
constantly. Windows XP SP2.

I have not un-installed spyware to verify that it still
happens after uninstall I have shut down the antispyware
to no avail.
Have you done any removal operations?

Is your machine well within spec--I think the base is 300 mhz/64 megs of

If you can replicate by uninstalling, and the symptom comes back when you
install again, that'd be useful feedback. You could probably provide that
feedback by using the test, suspected spyware report function in the
antispyware program.
I'm also unable to connect to a VPN using the Nortel
Contivity VPN client after install. I previously was able
to connect from this PC.

No messages from antispyware, just a failed connection
from the VPN client.

Even after uninstall, VPN client won't connect. I call
still connect from other PC's on my network which don't
have antispyware installed.


k "dot" bonnema "at" verizon "dot" net
I am experiencing similar disconnection problems with
1. putty ssh (Secure shell used to logon to unix systems)
Appears to drop the connection after some period of no use.
2. Sybase SQL Advantage (command tool used to query remote
Sybase DB server.)
Like ssh above, appears to drop the connection after some
period of no use.
3. FTP explorer
Can't even use it to get the first directory listing.
File transfer starts but does not complete. Empty file is
created on the remote server.

Uninstalling MSAS did not resore functionality.
I suspect some networking configuration changes made by
MSAS or it is not completely uninstalled.
Hello all,
Please disregard my previous post. It appears that my ISP
was experiencing some problems yesterday. I have re-
installed AntiSpyware and everything works as expected.
This looks to be a great tool.
Thanks Microsoft.
Kurt --did you run a scan of your machine, and remove anything?

You can probably resolve this by reinstalling your VPN client, but it'd be
good to know just what happened. In the directory where Microsoft
Antispyware was installed is a cleaner.log file which may tell you what
items were removed, if this file still exists.
Bill -

Thanks for the leads, I did reinstall the Contivity
client, but still no joy.

The cleaner.log did show that it removed backweb (from my
kodak camera software), PowerReg Scheduler (don't know if
this was from legit software or not.), and a file named

From the Nortel documentation, the problem would seem to
be a firewall issue(blocking of AH and ESP data), but
even with my MS SP2 firewall turned off, I have the
problem. The client did work with the MS SP2 firewall
prior to installation of MS Antispyware. I also have a
Linksys router with NAT and SPI, but this PC as well as
two other's can use the Contivity VPN just fine.

I'm at a loss here....

OK. I'm glad you are on SP2, 'cause that makes some things easier.

What I can think of to try is 1) resetting the Winsock LSP stack--which
shouldn't need doing 'cause when it is broken you have no Internet
connectivity, but lets try it just the same, then 2) resetting TCP/IP , and
3) reinstalling the VPN client (yet again!)

1) is accomplished by going to a command prompt and typing:

netsh winsock reset

and hitting enter.

2) is also accomplished at the command prompt:

netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt

and hit enter.

3) you've already had lots of practice at.

I take it that you don't get any error messages in the reinstall of the VPN

Are there any event log entries associated with the VPN's failure?