Circular relationships and limiting allowed values

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Hi All,

I have a surprisingly simple, but complicated database requirement in that
the database requires only 5 tables, but includes a circular reference by
necessity. The problem I'm having is that I am unsure how to create the
queries on which to base my input forms so that the correct data is displayed.

Essentially I have a workflow process that is described in the following way:
A dataset is released which is deployed to several regions, and each
deployment involves several tasks. Not every region receives every dataset,
but every dataset is built and deployed to at least one region.

Several physical regions represented in the Region table
fldRegionID - pk

Several sets of data represented in the Dataset table
fldDataID - pk
fldCycle (this represents the cycle with which the dataset is updated)

Each dataset has several tasks that need to be completed before they are
deployed, some of which are also dependant on the region to which they are
deployed. This is represented by two tables, one (build) which contains
those tasks that are completed for all updates to the dataset, and the second
(deployment) which contains those tasks that are required for each regions
deployment. These are represented as follows:

- Build table
fldVersionID - pk
fldDatasetID – pk + fk
A minor side point (sorry, my brain isn't wrapping around your larger
picture yet)...

Your "task" table uses multiple fields (1 ... n) to ?contain/?document
completion of tasks. This design works for spreadsheets, but not for
relational databases. If you need to add (or subtract) a task, you'd have
to modify your table structure, any queries based on it, any forms/reports
based on it, any code/macros based on it ...

Instead, use a single column for your Task-related item, and one/two more to
relate it properly to whatever combination of dataset and region "needs"
that task. One row per valid task-dataset-region combination.

I'm not clear on what you are considering "circular relationships" -- could
you clarify?

I'm not clear what you mean when you use: pk + fk -- are you saying the
field is a (part of the) primary key AND is found in another table's primary
key (i.e., making it a foreign key in THIS table)?
Well, it worked OK for me. Here's what I did:

For simplicity, I ignored the primary keys you defined and gave each
Table its own (new) primary key, of random Autonumber type. But because
such keys are usually meaningless to human beings, I also defined Lookup
Queries to translate them to meaningful form.

For example, my version of your [Dataset] Table looks like this:

[Dataset] Table Datasheet View:
fldDatasetID fldDataName fldCycle
------------ ----------- --------
1400563518 Dataset4 0
1570848593 Dataset3 0
1632673424 Dataset2 0
1903683883 Dataset1 0

So, for foreign-key links to it, I defined the following Query:

[QL_Dataset] SQL:

SELECT Dataset.fldDatasetID, Dataset.fldDataName
FROM Dataset
ORDER BY Dataset.fldDataName;

[QL_Dataset] Query Datasheet View:

fldDatasetID fldDataName
------------ -----------
1903683883 Dataset1
1632673424 Dataset2
1570848593 Dataset3
1400563518 Dataset4

It looks a lot like the first 2 fields in the Table, but you might
prefer some other definition. (Just change the 2nd field in
[QL_Dataset], and your datasheet views will magically change, too.)
Make the 2nd field be concise and meaningful, and try to keep it unique
within any data you're likely to encounter.

Now we can use this in the [Build] Table, which (without lookups) looks
like this:

[Build] Table Datasheet View:

fldBuildID fldDatasetID fldVer fldRelease fldBuild
sionID Date Task1
---------- ------------ ------ ---------- --------
1678458326 1903683883 v111 12/9/2005

In Table Design View, select [fldDatasetID], choose the Lookup tab, and
set the properties thus:
Display Control = List Box
Row Source = QL_Dataset
Column Count = 2
Column Widths = 0;1

Then the Table will display like this (same Table, but with lookups

[Build] Table Datasheet View:

fldBuildID fldDatasetID fldVer fldRelease fldBuild
sionID Date Task1
---------- ------------ ------ ---------- --------
1678458326 Dataset1 v111 12/9/2005

I also defined [QL_Region], for the [fldRegionID] foreign keys. Change
the remaining foreign-key references in your Tables similarly to the one
in [Build].

Since [fldVersionID] was just a text field, not a linking key, I didn't
define a Lookup Query for it. (But in my own databases, I usually avoid
ending field names with "ID" unless they are links.)

The rest of the datasheet views in this message use lookup values; just
remember that the data actually stored in the Tables are numbers
matching the primary keys, and not what you see here.

[Region] Table Datasheet View:

fldRegionID fldRegionName
----------- -------------
-213821540 RegionB
836524519 RegionA

[RegionDataset] Table Datasheet View:

fldRegionDatasetID fldRegionID fldDatasetID
------------------ ----------- ------------
421066538 RegionA Dataset4
798222153 RegionB Dataset3
1341337187 RegionB Dataset1
1379044973 RegionA Dataset1
1932269928 RegionB Dataset2

Then I defined a Query to display the new version number.

[Q_NewVersions] SQL:

SELECT Region.fldRegionName, Dataset.fldDataName,
FROM Region
ON Dataset.fldDatasetID = Build.fldDatasetID)
INNER JOIN RegionDataset
ON Dataset.fldDatasetID = RegionDataset.fldDatasetID)
ON Region.fldRegionID = RegionDataset.fldRegionID
ORDER BY Region.fldRegionName, Dataset.fldDataName;

[Q_NewVersions] Query Datasheet View:

fldRegionName fldDataName fldVersionID
------------- ----------- ------------
RegionA Dataset1 v111
RegionB Dataset1 v111

This looked good, so I converted it to an Append Query.

[Q_UpdateBuildList] SQL:

INSERT INTO Deployment ( fldRegionID,
fldDatasetID, fldVersionID, fldDeployTask1 )
SELECT Region.fldRegionID, Dataset.fldDatasetID,
Build.fldVersionID, "New deployment" AS [Default]
ON Dataset.fldDatasetID = Build.fldDatasetID)
INNER JOIN RegionDataset
ON Dataset.fldDatasetID = RegionDataset.fldDatasetID)
ON Region.fldRegionID = RegionDataset.fldRegionID
ORDER BY Region.fldRegionID, Dataset.fldDatasetID;

Since this is an Action Query, I won't show you its Datasheet View, but
here's what it did to the previously empty
[Deployment] Table:

[Deployment] Table Datasheet View:

fldDeploy fldVer fldData fldRegionID fldDeployTask1
mentID sionID setID
---------- ------ -------- ----------- --------------
138997748 v111 Dataset1 RegionA New deployment
1997021855 v111 Dataset1 RegionB New deployment

.... and this is what I think you said you wanted.

Incidentally (and I agree with Jeff Boyce on this), all those
[fldDeployTask n] fields give me the impression of containing the same
sorts of data. (They certainly have similar enough names!) I suggest
that you split them all out into another Table, in which each record
contains (at least) the following fields:

- primary key to identify this record
- which task it is (1..n)
- value copied from the [fldDeployTask n] field
- foreign key to [Deployment] or [Build], wherever the datum came from

If you wish, you can combine the fields from [Deployment] and [Build]
into one Table, but then you'd need a way to distinguish them, either
via an additional field, or by using different task number series
(100-199 for [Deployment], 200-299 for [Build], for example).

If you do this, it will create an extra Table or two, but you'll save
yourself lots of headaches in analyzing & summarizing your data.

-- Vincent Johns <[email protected]>
Please feel free to quote anything I say here.
"=?Utf-8?B?UmFyYXJhY2hlbA==?=" <[email protected]>
wrote in
Essentially I have a workflow process that is described in the
following way: A dataset is released which is deployed to several
regions, and each deployment involves several tasks. Not every region
receives every dataset, but every dataset is built and deployed to at
least one region.

No problem here: it's a bog standard many to many relationship:

Datasets -(isPartOf)- said:
Each dataset has several tasks that need to be completed before they
are deployed,

You already said that: see above

Tasks >-(toBeCompletedFor)- Deployments
Each dataset has several tasks that need to be completed before
they are deployed, some of which are also dependant on the region
to which they are deployed.

The kicker here is the "...some of which...". What is special about
dependent Tasks compared to independent Tasks? How are independent Tasks
allocated - to all Regions that the Dataset is going to, or none? Are
they the same thing, or do they need separate tables? One possibility
would be

DependentTasks >-(toBeCompletedFor)- Deployments

IndependentTasks >-(belongTo)- Datasets
I have been through this structure several times and tried to re-jig
things to avoid the circular relationships created, but none of the
options that I have tried suits the requirements.

Who on earth cares about circular relationships? Who told you that they
are bad things? There are loads of examples where two entities have more
than one relationship between them. Pah.

In your case, I think you haven't done sufficient analysis: at least, you
have not presented it here. What exactly is the connection between
Deploying To A Region and Having A Task Related To That Deployment? In
other words, do some Regions have a Deployment but no Task to complete on
it? How are non-tasked Deployments different from Tasked Deployments? In
other words, would this work:

Deployments -(require)-< Tasks >-(by)- Regions

or would you lose some deployments-to-region because there are no tasks
for that region to complete?
I don't know how to set up my queries so that
only valid deployment records may be added, given the values in both
the Build table and the RegionDataset table.

You manage integrity using Constraints (i.e. ValidationRules and
Relationships) not queries!
RegionA receives dataset updates for Dataset1 and Dataset4
RegionB receives dataset updates for Dataset1, Dataset2 and Dataset3
This is represented in the RegionDataset table by the following:

Okay, it's what I called the Deployments table

Dataset1 has a version update v111, so a new build record is created
with a compound primary key:

You never said anything about VersionUpdates -- what are they? Do they
have Tasks and Deployments too?

Once this entry is made, I would like my database to be able to
automatically add the only two valid entries to the Deployment table:

No you don't. Any "automatic adding" practically always means a Major
Design Problem. But we already know that <g>
Tim said:
"=?Utf-8?B?UmFyYXJhY2hlbA==?=" <[email protected]>
wrote in

Once this entry is made, I would like my database to be able to
automatically add the only two valid entries to the Deployment table:

No you don't. Any "automatic adding" practically always means a Major
Design Problem. But we already know that <g>

Tim makes a good point here (I'm sorry I missed it; maybe I was thinking
that someone had asked you to produce a Table). Since you already have
the information available that you claim you need to stuff into your
[Deployment] Table, you probably should be using a [Deployment] Query
instead, one that returns these same results but doesn't clutter your
database with data that might go out of date behind your back. The
[Q_NewVersions] Query in my earlier message, or something like it, will
do that; just give it a new name if you need to.

-- Vincent Johns <[email protected]>
Please feel free to quote anything I say here.

Firstly, thanks so much for taking the time to a) read and b) reply to my
post -particularly a) since it probably took the better part of half an hour
to read that epic!

In response to your reply, I think I need to clarify a couple of things that
I didn't make particularly clear...
Your "task" table uses multiple fields (1 ... n) to ?contain/?document
completion of tasks. This design works for spreadsheets, but not for
relational databases. If you need to add (or subtract) a task, you'd have
to modify your table structure, any queries based on it, any forms/reports
based on it, any code/macros based on it ...

I left out info regarding each task for simplicity, but realise that this
made it more confusing. Each of the fields that I have labelled tasks stores
a date representing when a particular action was undertaken. When a dataset
is released, it needs to be packaged and replicated (amongst other things),
and this has to be performed for each build (ie: each version update). In
addition, when the updated datasets are deployed, there are tasks that need
to be completed for each region that receives the updates (eg: create the
script for rolling out the update, confirm that the users have successfully
received the update - again, the stored values are dates). I think this is
where I made the least sense. Every version release for a dataset will
always have every task completed that belongs in the build table. Any region
that receives an update will always have every deployment task completed.
These tasks are extremely unlikely to change, and will involve a process
rethink anyway if they do.

I'm not sure that pulling the tasks out of each of the Build and Deployment
tables is necessary, each task will have a one-one relationship with the
records in these tables anyway, and all are required (at some stage) - they
are all just attributes of the records within these tables.
I'm not clear on what you are considering "circular relationships" -- could
you clarify?

What I meant (and apologies once again for confusion, I just didn't know how
else to describe this one), is that the dataset table had relationships with
both the Build and RegionDataset tables and the deployment table also had
relationships with these two tables, which looks like a circle in the
relationship viewer in Access)

I'm not clear what you mean when you use: pk + fk -- are you saying the
field is a (part of the) primary key AND is found in another table's primary
key (i.e., making it a foreign key in THIS table)?

That's exactly right

I hope this makes sense.

Thanks again for the feedback.

Vincent Johns said:
.... and this is what I think you said you wanted.

Thanks Vincent, I will give this a go now. I thought I had to build this
into the table design rather than just entering the records when I added each
Incidentally (and I agree with Jeff Boyce on this), all those
[fldDeployTask n] fields give me the impression of containing the same
sorts of data.

I realise I went the right way about confusing everyone with the description
of this, and apologies for that. I've explained it again in my reply to
Jeff, but I'll add it here for easy access:

"Each of the fields that I have labelled 'tasks' stores
a date representing when a particular action was undertaken. When a dataset
is released, it needs to be packaged and replicated (amongst other things),
and this has to be performed for each build (ie: each version update). In
addition, when the updated datasets are deployed, there are tasks that need
to be completed for each region that receives the updates (eg: create the
script for rolling out the update, confirm that the users have successfully
received the update - again, the stored values are dates). I think this is
where I made the least sense. Every version release for a dataset will
always have every task completed that belongs in the build table. Any region
that receives an update will always have every deployment task completed.
These tasks are extremely unlikely to change, and will involve a process
rethink anyway if they do.

I'm not sure that pulling the tasks out of each of the Build and Deployment
tables is necessary, each task will have a one-one relationship with the
records in these tables anyway, and all are required (at some stage) - they
are all just attributes of the records within these tables."

I'm still sure this is valid, but I'm willing to accept a slap with a wet
dishcloth if you think I'm just not getting it!

Thanks again for your feedback, I'll give your suggestions a go, and send an
update on my progress...

Hiya Tim,

Thanks for your reply. I appreciate this a was somewhat confusing post, but
I've tried to clarify this in another post which I'll add in below...

The kicker here is the "...some of which...". What is special about
dependent Tasks compared to independent Tasks? How are independent Tasks
allocated - to all Regions that the Dataset is going to, or none? Are
they the same thing, or do they need separate tables?

I re-read my post after your comments, and I was particularly bad with this
section. Some of the tasks do vary a bit between the regions they are
deployed to, but not really enough to be reflected in the database - this was
an especially unhelpful piece of info - apologies.

As per previous posts to Jeff and Vincent: "Each of the fields that I have
labelled 'tasks' stores
a date representing when a particular action was undertaken. When a dataset
is released, it needs to be packaged and replicated (amongst other things),
and this has to be performed for each build (ie: each version update). In
addition, when the updated datasets are deployed, there are tasks that need
to be completed for each region that receives the updates (eg: create the
script for rolling out the update, confirm that the users have successfully
received the update - again, the stored values are dates). I think this is
where I made the least sense. Every version release for a dataset will
always have every task completed that belongs in the build table. Any region
that receives an update will always have every deployment task completed.
These tasks are extremely unlikely to change, and will involve a process
rethink anyway if they do.

I'm not sure that pulling the tasks out of each of the Build and Deployment
tables is necessary, each task will have a one-one relationship with the
records in these tables anyway, and all are required (at some stage) - they
are all just attributes of the records within these tables."

You never said anything about VersionUpdates -- what are they? Do they
have Tasks and Deployments too?

Version updates are builds essentially, well that is to say that every
version update has a build (but also several deployments)

No you don't. Any "automatic adding" practically always means a Major
Design Problem. But we already know that <g>

Have taken this as read, and will go with Vincent's append query suggestion
on this one I think.

Thanks heaps for the time you've taken to reply. I'll send an update...soon!

Rararachel said:
Hiya Tim,

I'm not sure that pulling the tasks out of each of the Build and Deployment
tables is necessary, each task will have a one-one relationship with the
records in these tables anyway, and all are required (at some stage) - they
are all just attributes of the records within these tables."

I think it's kinda immaterial -- the point here was that, any time you
have a bunch of fields that are similar to some OTHER bunch of fields in
the same record (even if they mean something different), they are prime
candidates for moving out into a separate Table that contains just that

Often you'll find the fields next to each other in your Table design,
because you probably thought of them at about the same time (e.g.,
someone's surname and the same person's phone #).

Doing this will probably spoil your 1:1 relationship, as you'll now have
2 or 3 sets of fields (that you have moved to the other Table) that are
linked to the original record, but there's nothing magical about a 1:1
relationship. Actually, though sometimes useful, they are kind of rare.

As mentioned elsewhere, if you do pull out fields to a separate Table,
you might need to add a field or two (in the new Table) to identify what
they mean, such as a field to tell you if the physical region in this
record came from the first such set in your original record or the third
such set (if you care about that), or maybe a field to tell you which
original Table the record came from (since you might collect them from
more than one), or maybe a field to serve as a primary key (e.g.,
Autonumber type) in the new Table.

Your database will still work if you do not do this, but it will
possibly be unwieldy, and certain types of Queries will be very
difficult to define. (Enough so, so that you may decide that you just
can't get that type of information from your database.) So I think,
before you add too many data to your Tables, that you might at least
consider splitting out the repeating groups into a separate Table.

And just in case you are worried about losing the ability to display all
those fields in one record, you can always write Queries that will do
that, even after you have split some of the fields out into a related Table.

-- Vincent Johns <[email protected]>
Please feel free to quote anything I say here.
What I meant (and apologies once again for confusion, I just didn't
know how else to describe this one), is that the dataset table had
relationships with both the Build and RegionDataset tables and the
deployment table also had relationships with these two tables, which
looks like a circle in the relationship viewer in Access)

This is not neccessarily a problem: it all depends on the semantics.
Relationships can look like loops in a diagram for a number of reasons:

Self references:
direct ones ]
Employees.Supervisor references Employees.EmpID

Employees.DeptCode references Departments,
Departments.Manager references Employees.EmpID

Multiple references:
Students.HomeAddress references Addresses
Students.TermTimeAddress references Addresses

Prescription.PatientID references Patients
Patients.RegisteredGP references Practitioners
Prescription.SignedBy references Practitioners

The last one is the most interesting. It allows you to ask, how many
prescriptions have been signed by someone other than the patient's usual
GP, and so on. This is the closest to your example, and it reflects the
fact that the two (chains of) relationships are semantically different.

Truly redundant:
Items(ID, MadeBy) references Products
Products.MadeBy references Manufacturers
Items.MadeBy references Manufacturers

In this one, the third constraint is already implicit in the first two:
you cannot remove a Manufacturer record where there is an exisiting
Product, and you can't remove the Product record if there are existing
Item records. It's not actually harmful, but it takes up computer
resources unneccessarily.

Hope that helps

Tim F