CHtmlEditCtrl - problems

  • Thread starter Thread starter ragi
  • Start date Start date


I'm trying to use this class but documentation about it is minimal.
I'd like to know:

1. How shoud I create this control to have edit mode without any margins
like after this:

<body leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" rightmargin="0" style="color: black;
background-color: yellow;" alink="red" link="blue" vlink="navy" >

2. How intercept pressing Enter to make additional operations.

3. How put any text to this control from program (no from file, address.

4. How set caret to the end of line (for instance after included image).
By default caret stay before included image.

5. How change context menu (into another)

6. How change parameters (bold, italic, color, etc.) from current caret

7. How change distance between two lines after pressing Enter. Default
is to big.

8. How blocked verical scroll bar in this control and made it like in
multiline Edit control.
