Barb Reinhardt
I'm running this code out of Excel and am having difficulty with the
following line
MyFileName = "BarbsFile.ppt"
'This doesn't work, and used to
On Error Resume Next
Set myPPT = PPTApp.Presentations(myFileName)
On Error GoTo 0
'This does work
For each myPPT in PPTApp.Presentations
if myPPT.Name = myfilename then
Set myPPT1 = myPPT
Exit for
end if
next myPPT
Barb Reinhardt
following line
MyFileName = "BarbsFile.ppt"
'This doesn't work, and used to
On Error Resume Next
Set myPPT = PPTApp.Presentations(myFileName)
On Error GoTo 0
'This does work
For each myPPT in PPTApp.Presentations
if myPPT.Name = myfilename then
Set myPPT1 = myPPT
Exit for
end if
next myPPT
Barb Reinhardt