Someday I will learn to code. I need a class and I live in the middle of
nowhere, so no classes.
So here is what I put in the VB window and checked it with debug/compile and
then saved it.
Option Compare Database
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmVestryPastCurrent", WhereCondition:="Current = True"
End Sub
That part worked, which is a first for me. When I open the form I get a
Parameter Dialog box that is labled Current. Guess it gets that from
..."Current = True"... the form opens (YEAH!!!) and all 9 test records appear.
So I have created an event procedure that opens the form with some
condition. I am lost as to what to do about the condition and also how does
the code know what two fields I want to choose from and how do I enter them?
I am sorry. I know this is probably vb 101 for dummies, but I do not know
how to do these things. I keep hoping if I read enough posts and read enough
code snippets of what people are tryng to do that I will eventually
understand it. But not yet. This is how I learned to use expressions.
qryVestryPastCurrent from tblPerson & tblVestry
SQl for query=
SELECT tblPersonal.first, tblPersonal.middle, tblPersonal.last,
tblVestry.pastMember, tblVestry.currentMember, [first] & " " & [middle] & " "
& [last] AS Name
FROM tblPersonal INNER JOIN tblVestry ON tblPersonal.personKEY =
What do I replace current with in event procedure and how does code know
what to do to the form?