Ugh. Long answer.
The person involved was using the server, but we have a mailbox size limit.
She got tired of messages about being close to the limit, so she switched to
a pst [She actually already had a pst in use, but wasn't using the mail
forwarding option, and it would be a lot of moving to copy down the ones she
wanted to keep]. But, her calendar needs to be visible to others, so there
are a couple choices (that I could think of):
1. Make the response go to the server calendar
2. Move the message back up to the server before responding
3. Copy the calendar down to the pst and make it shared
I saw a bunch of threads and such that implied that sharing a pst calendar
was a major pain, so I thought maybe changing the calendar target would be a
better option. Apparently not?
Also, I tried creating a rule that would keep appointment messages in the
server Inbox with no luck.
I'm open to suggestions. What do you think is the best way?