chkdsk starting on boot-up, how to stop

  • Thread starter Thread starter nor
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Recently, my computer has started to running the chkdsk each time I start
the computer. I can't figure out what I might have done to cause this but I
would like to know how to stop it from checking the hard drive each time. I
have done a search at Microsoft and have checked out a couple of other help
sites but nothing like this has been mentioned. I can vaguely remember how
to set it up but can't remember details. Can any one point me in the right
direction? I would appreciate it.
First see if it got into your startup folder. Start---run---type
msconfig--click Ok. Look in start up folder. If there, remove X. Then, run
regedit and search for chkdsk, if in the
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINES\Software\microsoft\windows\current version\run (run once
etc) delete it there.
Thanks for the reply unknown but I ran a search in regedit and the only
instances of chkdsk /f was in a MRU folder which doesn't run the program at
startup. I deleted it anyway. I tried restoring to another day but that
didn't work either. But, when the screen came up, I did notice this time
that it was checking an external drive for errors. I have a disk drive
plugged into the firewire on my computer. It has been just fine for months
and then all of a sudden this. Just frustrating is all. I am going to unplug
it and then put it back in to see what happens. I have looked at the
properties of the drive and can't find anything there. I guess I will just
have to cope with it until I can find an answer. I appreciate your help. For
divakartandon, the drive is relatively new but I guess it could become bad
in time. It is about 6 months old. I use the drive for image backups until I
can burn them onto CDs and everything seems to work just fine as far as its
use. I will continue to search for an answer.
I am pretty sure that some place I read about how to make the chkdsk work at
each boot for those that want that but, for the life of me I can't remember
where it was or what they did. Thanks again.
Hi, nor.

What does chkdsk say when it finishes? If you never let it finish, then it
WILL run again on the next reboot. If you do let it come to a successful
conclusion, it should then set itself to not run again until you ask for it.

Of course, if there is some disk error that prevents chkdsk from ending
cleanly, then you need to fix that error. Probably the best way is to add
the /f or /r switch. Without that switch, chkdsk only examines the HD and
reports what it finds. With the switch, chkdsk will actually write
corrections to the drive, eliminating the problem that is triggering chkdsk
each time.

As with any "DOS" command, in the "DOS" window, type chkdsk /? to get a
mini-Help file showing the switches available with the command, and what
they do.

And, of course, there's always Start | Help and Support, then type "chkdsk"
into the Search box.

Thank you R.C., I have been through the Help and Support file, the Microsoft
web site and any other place I can think of. The chkdsk does finish each
time but always does the same disk again. I have defragged the disk with no
problems so I figured that chkdsk must have worked, otherwise it will no
defrag if there are errors. I will just have to live with it for the time
being and let it control my life. It is just strange that these things just
seem to happen at the whim of the OS.
When chkdsk finishes it gives a list of what is on the disk as far as size
and segment sizes, etc., just as the help file says it should. It does say
that it repaired any sections or any thing else like that.
Maybe it will just go away the same as it started.