Windows XP Chkdsk Problem

Feb 7, 2008
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Hello, I'm new to the site and need some help. This what I have. My son was playing a game on teh Nick Toons wesite and the PC froze up. My wife rebooted it. It went straight to the chkdsk blue screen. It says the volume is dirty and begins teh first scan of three. The problem, it stops at 46% on the first scan and does nothing else. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. System info below. I have to use my work PC for everything now.

Dimension XPS 400, Intel Pentium D Processor 820 (2.8GHz) w/ Dual Core Technology
2GB DDR2 SDRAM at 533MHz
NVIDIA GeForce 7300 LE
250GB SATA II Hard Drive (7200RPM)
Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005
Trend Micro PC-cillin Internet Security
I connect the internet through a cable modem.
Try ...

chkdsk C: /f /x ... notice the spaces.

Then, if that is sucssesful, open the run dialog.
Type cmd and press return.
Next type fsutil dirty query C:

If the returned message indicates that the volume is dirty, run chkdsk again.

The problem I have is that when it reaches 46% it stops. I'm not able to go to Windows or any prompt or anything. It stays stuck on the chkdsk screen at 46%.
Sorry, I didn't read the fact that this was happening when booting up Windows.

Did Dell give you a 'proper' Windows CD, so you can use the recovery console, not a recovery disk?

If, as I suspect, you do not have the full Windows CD, then you will need something like to assist you.

Or, just use the recovery disk supplied by Dell ... you may/will loose all data. :rolleyes:
