You should not be trying to use "CHKDSK" in the first
place. CHKDSK was for back in the DOS days and does not
work well with Windows! You can use either Scan Disk,
which comes with Windows, or use another Utility called
Norton System Works/Norton Utilities/Norton Disk Doctor.
This is a better choice, because it fixes and finds more
prolems than Scan Disk does, as it is much more thorough.
If you remove XP, by formatting the hard drive and install
Win98SE instead, you will have better performance in the
first place. You are not allowed to resolve sharing
conflicts in XP at all. Win98SE, you can. The box is
greyed out and not accessible in XP in the Device Manager
for changing sharing conflicts of IRQ'S, I/O ADDRESSES, or
PHYSICAL MEMORY ADDRESSES. You will find these conflicts
in System Information in the Start/Accessories/System
Tools/System Information. Look here and you will see why
your computer is always messing up when using WinXP!