Marv Raybin
Usually when I run chkdsk and it finds an error I use chkdsk /f and restart
the computer to fix it. Today I tried doing the same and it skips doing the
chkdsk. I did a search for chkdsk.exe and found the following:
c:\WINNT\Service PackFiles\i386
I ran the "chkdsk.exe" in "\system32" and the one in "\system32\dllcache"
and they both run so the problem seems to be in the handling of the "/f"
parameter. Either how it gets set, may not be working properly or how it
gets recognized on start-up may not be working. Anyone know which files
handle these tasks? I have a cloned backup disk from a few weeks ago that I
could use to replace suspect files on the problem disk.
Thanks for any info you might have,
the computer to fix it. Today I tried doing the same and it skips doing the
chkdsk. I did a search for chkdsk.exe and found the following:
c:\WINNT\Service PackFiles\i386
I ran the "chkdsk.exe" in "\system32" and the one in "\system32\dllcache"
and they both run so the problem seems to be in the handling of the "/f"
parameter. Either how it gets set, may not be working properly or how it
gets recognized on start-up may not be working. Anyone know which files
handle these tasks? I have a cloned backup disk from a few weeks ago that I
could use to replace suspect files on the problem disk.
Thanks for any info you might have,