gursaran abott said:
Q1.Is there a difference if i run chkdsk off windows xp cd from recovery
or if run it without booting the system (or can i run without booting the
If you try to run it from within WIndows, it may well want to reboot the
system so that it can gain control of the drive. If you boot from the CD,
you don't have to reboot because the hard drive is not hosting the OS, and
the CD-based OS has control.
If you have to run the Recovery Console to run chkdsk, it's often because
you *can't* run chkdsk from within Windows - as Windows won't boot.
Q2.How do i run when i boot the system off the winxp cd can you give me
Description of the Recovery Console:
You simply boot from CD, follow the prompts to run the Recovery Console.
Press R.
Or install the Recovery Console to the drive
You will be asked what Windows install you want to log into, and then for
the Administrator password. On many systems, this means you press Enter.
Then you have a black screen with a C:\Windows prompt, and from this
friendly interface you perform the tasks you need to.
The Recovery Console isn't really a friendly or forgiving tool, and it's a
good idea to know what you are doing and why, before you start. Do your
research now, not when you are stuck.