G Guest Apr 6, 2004 #1 When using the CHITEST function is there a way to get the Chi-squared value? The result that is given in the cell indicated is the p-value.
When using the CHITEST function is there a way to get the Chi-squared value? The result that is given in the cell indicated is the p-value.
J Jerry W. Lewis Apr 9, 2004 #2 =SUMPRODUCT((A2:B4-A6:B8)^2/A6:B8) for the Example in Help (A2:B4 is actual, A6:B8 is expected) Jerry When using the CHITEST function is there a way to get the Click to expand...
=SUMPRODUCT((A2:B4-A6:B8)^2/A6:B8) for the Example in Help (A2:B4 is actual, A6:B8 is expected) Jerry When using the CHITEST function is there a way to get the Click to expand...