Chipset advice


Wannabe Webmaster
Mar 16, 2005
Reaction score
Following my having to get a new mainboard for my s478 P4 3.0GHz CPU (the full story can be sen here, I ended up getting a vcheap motherboard off of ebay. The one I got is this one

The board does work, but is so SO SLOW compared to the Gigabyte GA8IK1100rev2, that I lost due to blowing it up. When I say slow, I mean it seems very noticably slow compared with the old one - I mainly notice this speed decrease when accessing files, unzippeing, un-raring, even burning CD's/DVD's. So maybe something to do with the hard disk/SATA controller ???

The new board I have has a VIA P4M800 CE chipset, and the old Gigabyte board had a Intel 875P Chipset. I am wondering if this chipset difference may be to blame for the significant speed decrease with the new board. Oh, and I still using all of the same identical components i used on the Gigabyte board, so it has to be something to do with the board, which is why i thought of the chipset(northbridge, although the choice of southbridge may be more to blame).

Does anyone know if a specific chipset can make such a impact on performance.

Now I am stil looking for another board for my s478 P4, which are becoming increasingly harder to find, I think due to the above problem I want a board with either a Intel 865 or 875 chipset, but am reluctant to spend too much cash, as later on in the year I will be making the move to a s775 P4 (or maybe even a 939 Athlon64). I have been looking on ebay to see what deals i can find, as i have some spare paypal cash, and I have come accross this listing which has a 865 chipset, but more specifically a 865G chipset, which means it has integrated graphics. What I would like to know (preferably from someone with experience) is, is there a great difference in performance between say a intel 865 chipset (without integrated graphics) and a Intel 865G chipset (with integrated graphics, but I will probabally disable this and use my old FX5200)? If it will just get me by for the next 3-4 months by performing better than the current ASRock piece of **** I'm using then I'll be happy. I can find 875p based motherboards which are what i'm after, although they're more expensive than my budget allows, being as I plan to upgrade CPU later in the year.

I hope that all made sense to you guys.
Please help with advice here if you can, it will be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance. :)
Does anyone know if a specific chipset can make such a impact on performance.
Yep, 'tis why we all go for a nVidia 4 chipset with AMD CPUs. ;)

Skimping money on a motherboard is just throwing it out the window (pun intended) ... :p

However, are you sure you have the latest-n-greatest drivers for the InHell ?

If you are going 939 in the near future then I wouldn't throw more money away ... save it, and make sure you get the best MB to start with. :thumb:
muckshifter said:
If you are going 939 in the near future then I wouldn't throw more money away ... save it, and make sure you get the best MB to start with. :thumb:

I would still like to get a reasonable new board for the current CPU, as I will probabally keep all the current kit as a secondary computer (maybe for crunching, or encoding video while may main compuiter is occupied).

Does anyone know if the Intel 865G chipset is any good, or should I wait for a 875P chipset to come up on eBay?