My question is short and hopefully easy to answer.
Is there a method in the .NET framework wich could determine if a object is
child to another?
The metod i am lookign for should work something like this:
public static bool childOf(Object possibleChild, Object possibleParent)
I really cant figure out where to start looking it isn´t in the 'object'
class-members or 'type' class-members (maybe not so strange since the
hypotetic methodhead above is static). But where should I start looking?
My question is short and hopefully easy to answer.
Is there a method in the .NET framework wich could determine if a object is
child to another?
The metod i am lookign for should work something like this:
public static bool childOf(Object possibleChild, Object possibleParent)
I really cant figure out where to start looking it isn´t in the 'object'
class-members or 'type' class-members (maybe not so strange since the
hypotetic methodhead above is static). But where should I start looking?