Chg font color based on checkbox value



I am trying to change the font color for a particular
record in a report based on the value of a check box for
that record. If the box is check (value = 1) then I want
the font for that entire record to be red. I've tried
the following with no luck:

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount
As Integer)
If Nz(Me!Check119, "") = "1" Then
Detail.BackColor - vbRed
Detail.BackColor = vbWhite
End If

End Sub

I understand with this I am attempting to change the back
color of the entire detail area but I cannot see how to
access a text box's font color. Any help would be great!


Rob said:
I am trying to change the font color for a particular
record in a report based on the value of a check box for
that record. If the box is check (value = 1) then I want
the font for that entire record to be red. I've tried
the following with no luck:

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount
As Integer)
If Nz(Me!Check119, "") = "1" Then
Detail.BackColor - vbRed
Detail.BackColor = vbWhite
End If

End Sub

I understand with this I am attempting to change the back
color of the entire detail area but I cannot see how to
access a text box's font color. Any help would be great!


I sent the other post too soon....

A Check box's value can only be -1 or 0, never 1.
Alse, Detail.BackColor will change the backcolor of the entire Detail
section, not the backcolor of a control in the section.
Me![ControlName].BackColor will change the backcolor of the individual
Me![ControlName].ForeColor will change the Font color.

If Me![Check119] = -1 Then
Me![ControlName].BackColor = vbRed
Me![ControlName].ForeColor = vbYellow
Me![ControlName].BackColor = vbWhite
Me![ControlName].ForeColor = vbBlack
End If


fredg said:
Rob said:
I am trying to change the font color for a particular
record in a report based on the value of a check box for
that record. If the box is check (value = 1) then I want
the font for that entire record to be red. I've tried
the following with no luck:

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount
As Integer)
If Nz(Me!Check119, "") = "1" Then
Detail.BackColor - vbRed
Detail.BackColor = vbWhite
End If

End Sub

I understand with this I am attempting to change the back
color of the entire detail area but I cannot see how to
access a text box's font color. Any help would be great!


I sent the other post too soon....

A Check box's value can only be -1 or 0, never 1.
Alse, Detail.BackColor will change the backcolor of the entire Detail
section, not the backcolor of a control in the section.
Me![ControlName].BackColor will change the backcolor of the individual
Me![ControlName].ForeColor will change the Font color.

If Me![Check119] = -1 Then
Me![ControlName].BackColor = vbRed
Me![ControlName].ForeColor = vbYellow
Me![ControlName].BackColor = vbWhite
Me![ControlName].ForeColor = vbBlack
End If
I just saw that I forgot to comment on your use of quotes around the
check box value, and the use of the Nz() function.

The check box value is a number datatype, not text, so no quotes.
Use = -1 not = "-1"
Also, there is no need for the Nz() function here as you only wish to
change the control color if the value is -1.


-----Original Message-----
Rob said:
I am trying to change the font color for a particular
record in a report based on the value of a check box for
that record. If the box is check (value = 1) then I want
the font for that entire record to be red. I've tried
the following with no luck:

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount
As Integer)
If Nz(Me!Check119, "") = "1" Then
Detail.BackColor - vbRed
Detail.BackColor = vbWhite
End If

End Sub

I understand with this I am attempting to change the back
color of the entire detail area but I cannot see how to
access a text box's font color. Any help would be great!


I sent the other post too soon....

A Check box's value can only be -1 or 0, never 1.
Alse, Detail.BackColor will change the backcolor of the entire Detail
section, not the backcolor of a control in the section.
Me![ControlName].BackColor will change the backcolor of the individual
Me![ControlName].ForeColor will change the Font color.

If Me![Check119] = -1 Then
Me![ControlName].BackColor = vbRed
Me![ControlName].ForeColor = vbYellow
Me![ControlName].BackColor = vbWhite
Me![ControlName].ForeColor = vbBlack
End If

Please reply only to this newsgroup.
I do not respond to personal e-mail.
That worked perfect. Thank you very much!

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