
Just finished watching it now - very impressed with it actually. I don't often watch TV, but this is something that I thought was particularly interesting.

Horrible to think that that wasn't actually just a TV drama but a real life event that could have been much worse.
Yeah, just caught the latter part of it, but the bit I saw was very good :thumb:
I know - i liked the way they made it look like everything was filmed in 1986, made it look like it was all real footage.

Nice one BBC :)
Yeah was a top notch program... ;)

Still can't visit Chernobyl though apparantly due to the Radiation Levels...
Why don't Russian men wear loose underpants?

Cos Chernobyl fall out.

Ok, that was bad, that was bad......
floppybootstomp said:
Why don't Russian men wear loose underpants?

Cos Chernobyl fall out.

Ok, that was bad, that was bad......
That's almost bad enough to qualify for a YELLOW CARD ! :D
A serious prog with Ade Edmondson ...never thought it possible ..but the prog was superb ...:thumb:... " grown men jumping into radioactive water knowing their destiny , holding hands nearly bought me to tears ..
Damn, wish I could see it now. What's it called & I'll see if I can order it from the DVD online rental company I use?
Saw a doco a few months ago about cuba I think it was. They take in heaps of children from the chernobyl 'fall out' area every year & provide them with free treatment for cancer & the huge number of other radiation exposure related disorders that are running rampant amoung the children in the inhabited areas surrounding chernobyl.
Cuba is not a country that we generally associate with compassion, but they take more of these children in every year than any other country & The conditions & treatments they require are not cheap. Some were quite horrific. Disorders that are so rare most Doctors have never even heard of them nor would want to. Conditions I would never ever want to associate with children. Yet are almost as common amoung the Chernobyl children as chicken pox is for us. Cuba spends millions of dollars on it every year & have been doing so for years but nobody knew anything about it. Not a big fan of their politics but you've gotta respect that.