Chek box and combo box question

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I'm guessing that what you mean is you'd like to show a combo box only when a
check box is checked? If so, put the following line in the check box
control's AfterUpdate event and in the form's OnCurrent event.

Me!cboControlName.Visible = Me!chkControlName
elwin said:
I'm guessing that what you mean is you'd like to show a combo box only when a
check box is checked? If so, put the following line in the check box
control's AfterUpdate event and in the form's OnCurrent event.

Me!cboControlName.Visible = Me!chkControlName
That was what I wanted to ask; could you explainme better because I didn't
unaderstand what uou mean with "check box control's AfterUpdate event and in
the form's OnCurrent event"
Open the form in design view. Select View / Properties from the menu and
click on the 'Event' tab. The first one is the 'OnCurrent' event. Put your
cursor in that property and click the elipse button (...) that appears to the
right. Select 'code builder' from the next list to open the visual basic
editor. Enter the following line at the position where your cursor is;
cboControlName is the name of your combo box control, chkControlName is the
name of your checkbox control.

Me!cboControlName.Visible = Me!chkControlName

Close the visual basic editor, and go back to your form. Select the
checkbox control. Repeat the steps above, but this time for the
'AfterUpdate' event of the checkbox control.

Basically what it's doing is setting the visible property of your combo box
to match the value of your checkbox. If your checkbox is checked, it will
return a true value, and the opposite if its unchecked. good luck.
TKS This is very helpfully to me, I want to ask you something, I work for a
company that produce paper bags, it have a money borrow employees program,
the employee ask for money and the compañy gives it with a 10% interest, the
borrowed money is discounted weekle with the interest, I can make in acces a
program that after regist the order, acces could tell me the incomes and out
comes of money in a determinated day, because I dont know how to do in acces
(´'m new in acces) but I know that this in excel is very easy, and my boss
dosnt like to use excel, he want me to do all the programs in acces (and I
hate acces¡¡¡)