Cheetah Man

I like how he celebrates even before he crosses the line! Just imagine if he gave 100% the whole way :eek:
This guy makes Carl Lewis look like a sloath ..but hang on a minute...lets have a look

Top eight all-time athletes — men

1. Usain Bolt 9.69
2. Asafa Powell 9.74
3. Tyson Gray 9.77
4. Maurice Green 9.79
5. Donavon Bailey 9.84
6. Bruny Surin 9.84
7. Leroy Burrell 9.89
8. Justin Gatlin 9.89

No Carl lewis, Linford Christie ,etc

Maybe its the technology regarding running track material this guy seems light years ahead..maybe even 9.55 flat out ??

The 100 meters might be the purest possible test of athleticism, but the 100-meter record is the shadiest mark on the books. It's been equaled or broken 17 times in the last 24 years, far more than any other track distance. Often, the World's Fastest Man is a guy who caught a strong tailwind or raced on a fast track. Or both: When Powell ran a 9.74 in Italy, the track was superball fast and the wind was blowing at 1.7 meters per second behind him, just under the 2-meter limit needed to qualify for a world record. And sometimes the record-holder is a drug cheat. Ben Johnson (WFM '87) and Tim Montgomery (WFM '02) both had their times wiped out after they were caught doping. Justin Gatlin (WFM '06) has been banned from track and field for eight years. He may try pro football next.

Bolts tailwind was 0.00
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You can be 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999% certain that all the athletes who compete are drug free. The Chinese and the Olympic commitie have done their very best to stamp out drug use at these games. An about time too.

Usain Bolt , just added the 200m in a New World Record time of 19.30 into a headwind of 0.9m/sec...greatest sprinter of all time
without doubt
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