Cheese or desert ! ASUS P4C800 DELUXE

  • Thread starter Thread starter Pierre
  • Start date Start date


I have a chart ASUS P4C800 DELUXE Bios v2.51
with which I have 3 problems:

1 With the starting of the PC, I have a series of 5 beeps
I would like to reduce the number of it

2 I made a diskette of boot
and to have a French keyboard, I put in Autoexec.bat the line
keyb Fr, keyboard.sys
With this line as soon as with prompt, I type on the keyboard,
I have an irremediable planting of the machine.
If in the BIOS, I change and IDE configuration/Enhanced Mode
Support one
S-ATA in P-ata+s-ATA or P-ATA, the French keyboard functions,
but the reader of CD-Rom is not recognized any more !!! (cheese
or desert)

3 When the French keyboard is recognized, in back mode,
combination of Ctrl+Alt+Suppr keys reboot not the machine!

Can some one help me?

Thank you by advance
and happy New Year

I put it to you, Pierre, that on Fri, 2 Jan 2004 22:12:26 +0100 you did
state the following; said:
I have a chart ASUS P4C800 DELUXE Bios v2.51
with which I have 3 problems:

1 With the starting of the PC, I have a series of 5 beeps
I would like to reduce the number of it

1. The beeps indicate the number of usb devices found. If you really
want to reduce the beeps, unplug something!
<Insert unfunny tagline here>
! ! !
Kenchie said:
I put it to you, Pierre, that on Fri, 2 Jan 2004 22:12:26 +0100 you did

1. The beeps indicate the number of usb devices found. If you really
want to reduce the beeps, unplug something!

Or upgrade to 1014 bios, which mutes these beeps, as lots of users dislike