That does make it more difficult. Has he said why it won't
boot? Does he know how to boot to safe mode? Do you know
what his operating system is? Does he know about boot
Is it plugged in and the switch on the wall turned ON? No
blown fuses?
The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.
| Thanks! Only prob is he can't get his computer working at
| the moment.
| >-----Original Message-----
| >Have him download and run on of the system scanners such
| as
| >Everest from
| >SiSoft Sandra
| >Bel Arc Advisor
| >
| >These will scan the computer and report all the details,
| >from make, model and serial number of the mobo to details
| on
| >the RAM and the software installed.
| >
| >These are free programs.
| >
| >--
| >The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
| >But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.
| >
| >
| >| >| Its HP make, not sure what model. Its my brother in
| laws.
| >| He lives 4 hours away. I will have to get him to find
| out.
| >| Is the model number on the back?
| >|
| >| Kevin
| >| >-----Original Message-----
| >| >In article <
[email protected]>,
| >| >>Can anyone please tell me if there is an easy way of
| >| >>checking what type of ram is in a computer, apart
| >| >>actually opening the computer up, taking it out and
| >| >>looking at it?
| >| >>I thought it might have said something in control
| panel
| >| >>system. I'm sure I've seen it somewhere, just can't
| >| >>remember where.
| >| >>
| >| >>Thanks in advance.
| >| >>
| >| >>Kevin
| >| >
| >| >
| >| >What make and model is your PC ?
| >| >
| >| > an excellent web site that helps you
| identify
| >| what type of
| >| >memory your system uses and what choices you have for
| >| upgrades.
| >| >The also are generally very competitive prices.
| >| >
| >| >
| >| >--
| >| >Al Dykes
| >| >-----------
| >| >adykes at p a n i x . c o m
| >| >.
| >| >
| >
| >
| >.
| >