checking kb installed

  • Thread starter Thread starter powtrix
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Hi, is possible I check if a KBxyz is installed on local machine?

- check registry key (where they are)
- log --> %windir%\KB"xyz".log
-> any command returning 0 / 1 errorlevel.

doing that, i could update my machines remotly.
[powtrix] wrote-:
Hi, is possible I check if a KBxyz is installed on local machine?

- check registry key (where they are)
- log --> %windir%\KB"xyz".log
-> any command returning 0 / 1 errorlevel.

doing that, i could update my machines remotly.

DIR "%windir%\$hf_mig$\KBxxx" /ad >nul && echo KBxxx in installed
Among other solutions available (and depending upon your OS) -

wmic qfe

.... or more elaborate -

wmic qfe get hotfixid | find "930178" 1>nul && echo Installed || echo
Not installed [or error]!
I've not experienced that particular condition. In your shoes, I'd
first try and determine the state of the WMI repository, see -

winmgmt /salvagerepository

.... and depending on the results, perhaps use some of the other WINMGMT
switches to perform the actual repair.

Dean Wells [MVP / Directory Services]
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R e m o v e t h e m a s k t o s e n d e m a i l

Rich Pasco said:
For some reason when I invoke wmic (with any paramters) it does
(until I abort it with Ctrl-Break). Even the help command behaves
this way:

wmic /?

This should work, according to

Any ideas?

- Rich

Among other solutions available (and depending upon your OS) -

wmic qfe

... or more elaborate -

wmic qfe get hotfixid | find "930178" 1>nul && echo Installed || echo
Not installed [or error]!