I am trying to count how many fields in my table are greater than a certain
date. I have the code below:
rsTemp!lngJobsAtStartOfWeek = DCount("dteDateCompleted", "tblMain", _
"dteDateCompleted > #" &
Format(DateAdd("d", -1, _
Format(dteTemp, "Medium Date")), "Medium
Date") & "#")
This counts all completed dates in my main table that are greater than the
date passed in to the procedure (dteTemp). How do I also include fields in
dteDateCompleted that do not contain a date and have just been left blank? I
will be hitting myself when someone tells me the answer!
I am trying to count how many fields in my table are greater than a certain
date. I have the code below:
rsTemp!lngJobsAtStartOfWeek = DCount("dteDateCompleted", "tblMain", _
"dteDateCompleted > #" &
Format(DateAdd("d", -1, _
Format(dteTemp, "Medium Date")), "Medium
Date") & "#")
This counts all completed dates in my main table that are greater than the
date passed in to the procedure (dteTemp). How do I also include fields in
dteDateCompleted that do not contain a date and have just been left blank? I
will be hitting myself when someone tells me the answer!
