Checking for Newer Versions of Stored Webpages



Another problem I'm having with IE6 (WinXP home) is when I have the
"never" selected for checking for newer versions of stored webpages,
my IE6 downloads everything in full again, even when I hit the back
button a few seconds after having that page.
I wonder what "automatically" actually does.
TIA for any help Rgds..... Mooosh:)

ps last time I had an IE6 problem that needed a reinstall, the whole
thing locked up and I couldn't even get Win XP home to start in safe
mode. Ended up buying a new hard drive and getting MS permission to
reinstall the OS on that and then adding the original HD to the system
to acces all my valuable "stuff" :)


get browser firefox has a
better caching and downloading of new page info for
dial up's.

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