Each developer must ask him/herself a number of questions before making a
coding decision. If a person develops software by himself for use by a
small company with 25 employees the decisions made will differ from those of
a person who codes in a team of 25 developers that distributes the final
software to 3000 customer locations.
You can look up "robust" in a dictionary and I don't understand why you
didn't. I of course never wrote that the Len() function was "less robust"
but that trick can often work in a discussion so I admire your attempt.
Have you distributed your software to 3000 locations? When you found a bug
did you pick up the costs associated with redistribution? It should be
clear that "typing fast" isn't the issue but rather correctness, robustness,
verifiability, etc. are. These may not be as important if one is the
company "computer guru" and can walk over to secretary's machine to install
your new VB.Net utility but they are to many of us.
Software development (as I have found it) isn't about memorizing the
behavior of the functions in a particular language. If that were the most
important thing those of us who write software solutions wouldn't get much
done. I suggest it is only the MVP who knows what the 3rd parameter of
every multi-parameter function is and while that is an admirable feat it is
not my goal. My goal is to accept the contract to convert my app from
VB.Net to C# and to complete the task so I can get paid. My goal is to
re-engineer the Java app into VB.net and to complete the task so I can get
paid. My goal is not to save 7 characters when I type.
Null may not exist as a keyword but surely you aren't suggesting that VB
developers don't know the concept, right? So "nothing" is the keyword,
again I caution against memorization and vote in favor of learning concepts
rather than (or at least in addition to) syntax.
And of course it is nothing like using a screwdriver to hammer in a nail and
most definitely not due to some ranking of the tools in the toolbox. What
you are describing is the importance of using the hammer that is marked as
"VB.Net" and avoiding at all cost the hammer marked ".Net Framework". Your
special hammer is better than the hammer everybody else is using.
I doubt that any VB developer using the full repertoire available in the
VB "toolbox" will have problems to understand what 'Len' is doing. I also
believe that I can expect such knowledge from someone claming to know VB.
These particular doubts are unfounded. If you worked with software
developers for any length of time you will find that what they know varies
considerably. After you've looked up robust, take a moment to consider the
number of people posting questions here which on the surface seem trivial.
Many of these could be answered by checking the docs, a great number are
posted by working developers. You're making statements that have no basis
in fact in an attempt to "win" a discussion.
Again (for the record) generally when I reply to you it is not to enlighten
you as I expect only the VB-side of the story in your rebuttal but rather to
influence others who may wish to become more than a "VB programmer" and
aspire to becoming a software developer who uses VB. Furthermore I ask that
readers simply take note of your use of the terms harder, low-level and
complicated when something isn't VB and easy, fast, etc. when it is VB.
DANGER ! String.IsNullOrEmpty can lead to runtime Null exceptions !!
The link is appreciated. Now any reader with a concern can see plainly that
it does not in fact throw exceptions "in certain circumstances" but (if the
article is correct) will throw an exception in one particular case. The
author concludes "... in all fairness, this is actually a JIT optimization
problem that impacts both VB and C#" and a respondent claiming to be a
tester notes that "it most likely a bug on our side" and that they are
looking into it.
Let me let you in on something, there are bugs in the .Net Framework and
here is a secret, optimizers can make mistakes.
To other readers I'll suggest one avoid making rash coding decisions based
upon a bug. Work around the bug, it will be patched. Other bugs will turn
up in time, such is the life of a programmer. If there was never a bug in a
VB library then by all means limit your development to VB and never use
anything else (perhaps join the pro VB6 rant of at least one poster) because
you have truly found the one great solution.
For everybody else, raise your eyes and take a look out over the development
horizon. All tools are available to you including VB.Net of course.